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Server’s communication channels

I know you have been waiting for that moment - let’s start coding!

Let’s prepare the server’s endpoint

Do you still remember about Phoenix’s sockets? Hopefully, since we will make use of them in a moment! We want to provide a communication channel between our client’s application and our server. Sockets fit just in a place - but be aware, that it is not the only possible option. Neither WebRTC nor Membrane Framework expects you to use any particular means of communication between the server and the client - they just want you to communicate.

Socket’s declaration

Socket’s declaration is already present in our template. Take a quick glance at the lib/videoroom_web/user_socket.ex file. You will find the following code there:

#FILE: lib/videoroom_web/user_socket.ex

defmodule VideoRoomWeb.UserSocket do
 use Phoenix.Socket

 channel("room:*", VideoRoomWeb.PeerChannel)


What happens here? Well, it is just a definition of our custom Phoenix socket. Starting from the top, we are:

The rest is an implementation of Phoenix.Socket interface - you can read about it here.

How does the server know that we are using the socket?

That’s quite easy - we defined the usage of our socket in lib/videoroom_web/endpoint.ex, inside the VideoRoomWeb.Endpoint module:

#FILE: lib/videoroom_web/endpoint.ex

defmodule VideoRoomWeb.Endpoint do
 socket("/socket", VideoRoomWeb.UserSocket,
  websocket: true,
  longpoll: false

In this piece of code we are simply saying, that we are defining socket-type endpoint with path "/socket", which behavior will be described by VideoRoomWeb.UserSocket module.

Where is VideoRoomWeb.PeerChannel?

It is in lib/videoroom_web/peer_channel.ex file! However, for now on, this file is only declaring the VideoRoomWeb.PeerChannel module, but does not provide any implementation.

#FILE: lib/videoroom_web/peer_channel.ex

defmodule VideoRoomWeb.PeerChannel do
 use Phoenix.Channel

 require Logger


The module will handle messages sent and received on the previously created socket by implementing Phoenix.Channel callbacks. To achieve that we need to use Phoenix.Channel.

Let’s implement our first callback!

#FILE: lib/videoroom_web/peer_channel.ex

@impl true
def join("room:" <> room_id, _params, socket) do
 case :global.whereis_name(room_id) do
  :undefined -> Videoroom.Room.start(room_id, name: {:global, room_id})
  pid -> {:ok, pid}
 |> case do
  {:ok, room_pid} ->
    do_join(socket, room_pid, room_id)

  {:error, {:already_started, room_pid}} ->
    do_join(socket, room_pid, room_id)

  {:error, reason} ->
      Failed to start room.
      Room: #{inspect(room_id)}
      Reason: #{inspect(reason)}

  {:error, %{reason: "failed to start room"}}

defp do_join(socket, room_pid, room_id) do
 peer_id = "#{UUID.uuid4()}"
 send(room_pid, {:add_peer_channel, self(), peer_id})
 Phoenix.Socket.assign(socket, %{room_id: room_id, room_pid: room_pid, peer_id: peer_id})}

Just the beginning - note how do we fetch the room’s name by using pattern matching in the argument list of join/3. (pattern matching in Elixir).

What happens here? join/3 is called when the client joins the channel. First, we are looking for a Videoroom.Room process saved in the :global registry under the room_id key. (Videoroom.Room module will hold the whole business logic of the video room - we will implement this module in the next chapter). If the videoroom process is already registered, we are simply returning its PID. Otherwise, we are trying to create a new Videoroom.Room process on the fly (and we register it with room_id key in the global registry). If we are successful we return the PID of the newly created room’s process. At the entrance point of the following step, we already have a Videoroom.Room process’s pid or an :error notification. Errors can occur due to multiple reasons. One of them is a situation in which a race condition between peers trying to create a room takes place. Imagine a situation, that two users are trying to join a non-existent room at the same moment. Since they are working asynchronously, there is a probability, that both of them will get an answer from the :global.whereis_name(room_id) saying that the room with the given name does not exist. Both of them will then try to create such a room. The request from one of these users will come to the :global registry first, the room will be registered - and the second user will receive an :already_started error, along with the PID of that room process, since the process already exists. Handling of that error is quite straightforward - the user can safely join the room with the provided PID. Of course, some other errors might also occur, but we do not distinguish between them and we simply log the fact that there was a problem with the room creation. In case we retrieve a PID of the room process, we call the do_join/3 support function. do_join/3 holds some repeatable parts of code concerning the joining process. Inside that function, we start to monitor the room process (so that we will receive :DOWN message in case of the room’s process crash/failure). Then we notify the room’s process that it should take us (peer channel) under consideration - we send our peer_id (generated as unique id with UUID module) along with the peer channel’s PID to the room process in the :add_peer_channel message so that the room will have a way to identify our process. The last thing we do is that we are adding information about the association between room’s identifier, room’s PID, and peer’s identifier to the map of socket’s assigns. We will refer to this information later so we need to store it somehow.

Our channel acts as a communication channel between the Room process on the backend and the client application on the frontend. The responsibility of the channel is to simply forward all :media_event messages from the room to the client and all mediaEvent messages from the client to the Room process. The first one is done by implementing handle_info/2 callback as shown below:

#FILE: lib/videoroom_web/peer_channel.ex

@impl true
def handle_info({:media_event, event}, socket) do
 push(socket, "mediaEvent", %{data: event})
 {:noreply, socket}

The second one is done by providing the following implementation of handle_in/3:

#FILE: lib/videoroom_web/peer_channel.ex

@impl true
def handle_in("mediaEvent", %{"data" => event}, socket) do
 send(socket.assigns.room_pid, {:media_event, socket.assigns.peer_id, event})
 {:noreply, socket}

Note the use of push method provided by Phoenix.Channel.

Great job! You have just implemented the server’s side of our communication channel. How about adding our server’s business logic?

NEXT - Server’s room process
PREV - System architecture
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