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Environment preparation

Elixir installation

I don’t think I can describe it any better: How to install Elixir. But do not forget to add the elixir bin to your PATH variable!

Take your time and make yourself comfortable with Elixir. Check if you can run Elixir’s interactive terminal and if you can compile Elixir’s source files with the Elixir compiler. You can also try to create a new Mix project - we will be using Mix as the build automation tool all along with the tutorial.

Template downloading

Once we have the development environment set up properly (let’s hope so!) we can start to work on our project. We don’t want you to do it from scratch as the development requires some dull playing around with UI, setting the dependencies, etc. - we want to provide you only the meat! That is why we would like you to download the template project with core parts of the code missing. You can do it by typing:

git clone

and then changing directory to the freshly cloned repository and switching to the branch which provides the unfulfilled template:

cd membrane_videoroom_tutorial
git checkout template/start

In case you find yourself lost along with the tutorial, feel free to check the suggested implementation provided by us, which is available on the template/end branch of this repository.

Native dependencies installing

First, some native dependencies are needed. Here is how you can install them and setup the required environment variables.

Mac OS with M1

brew install node srtp libnice clang-format ffmpeg
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/libnice/0.1.18/include:/opt/homebrew/Cellar/opus/1.3.1/include:/opt/homebrew/Cellar/[email protected]/1.1.1l_1/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/opus/1.3.1/lib
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/[email protected]/1.1.1l_1/lib/pkgconfig/

Mac OS with Intel

brew install node srtp libnice clang-format ffmpeg
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/lib/pkgconfig"


sudo apt-get install npm build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev libopus-dev libsrtp2-dev libnice-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig"

If you installed Elixir from ESL repo, make sure the following erlang packages are present

sudo apt-get install erlang-dev erlang-parsetools erlang-src

Setting environment with the use of Docker

Alternatively to the steps described in the section above, you can make use of the docker image we have prepared for the purpose of this tutorial. You won’t need to install any native dependencies there nor export environmental variables - however your computer cannot be running on M1 processor.

If you are using VS Code for your code development, you can make use of the Remote - Containers extension. Among the files you have just cloned from the repository there should be a .devcontainer.json configuration file placed in the root directory of the project. It contains information about which image from the Docker Hub should be cloned and how the ports should be redirected between the container and the host. After the installation of the Remote - Containers extension you will be able to start the container by clicking on the green button in the left-down corner of VS Code windows and the selecting “Reopen in the Container” option. This will cause all the files in the project’s root directory to be shared between your host OS and the container - therefore any changes made to them on your local machine will be immediately reflected in the container. At the same time, you will be able to run the project from the inside of the container - with the terminal launched in the VS Code window (Terminal -> New Terminal).

If you are not using VS Code, you can still take advantage of the virtualization and use the image provided by us - however, you will need to create the shared filesystem volume and bridge the networks on your own. Here is the command which will make this for you:

docker run -p 4000:4000 -it -v <path_to_cloned_templates>:/videoroom membraneframeworklabs/docker_membrane

where <path_to_cloned_templates> is the absolute path to the root directory of the project on your local system.

If you have just cloned the repo and your current directory is the repo’s root, you can use pwd to get that path:

docker run -p 4000:4000 -it -v `pwd`:/videoroom membraneframeworklabs/docker_membrane

After running the command, a container terminal will be attached to your terminal. You will be able to find the project code inside the container in the /videoroom directory.

What do we have here?

Let’s make some reconnaissance. First, let’s run the template. Before running the template we need to install the dependencies using:

mix deps.get
npm ci --prefix=assets

Then you can simply run the Phoenix server with the following command:

mix phx.server

If everything went well the application should be available on http://localhost:4000.

Play around…but it is not that much to do! We have better inspect what is the structure of our project. Does the project structure reassemble you the structure of a Phoenix project? (in fact, it should!). We will go through the directories in our project.